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A crocus flower growing on Meraki Meadows.In the small town of New Home, thirty minutes south of Lubbock, stately houses in freshly paved residential areas face the dusty, flat horizon dotted with cotton rows, tumbleweeds, and dust devils. It’s an odd juxtaposition, but it ended up being the perfect environment for the first large-scale saffron farm in Texas, Meraki Meadows. Here, sisters Andrea McDonald and Lyneil Beck, their husbands, Karl McDonald and Andy Beck, and their combined total of six children grow the world’s most expensive spice.Sometimes called red gold, saffron is primarily grown in Iran, where the county’s future as the world’s largest producer is threatened by sanctions and climate change. However, small growers in the United States—like the McDonalds and the Becks—are discovering the stigmas of the Crocus sativus…

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