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women's health under abortion lawsWhen the U.S. Supreme Court in June reversed Roe v. Wade, which had guaranteed abortion rights, Texas Republicans immediately—and loudly—claimed victory. It was, for many in the conservative movement, the fulfillment of a half-century-long project that touched everything from campaign fund-raising to the wholesale transformation of the courts. What has become clear, however, was how little they  thought through the consequences of their lawmaking on Texans whose pregnancies pose serious threats to their lives or their long-term health.Last year, in anticipation of the Supreme Court revisiting Roe with a 6–3 majority of Republican-appointed justices, the Texas GOP passed a so-called “trigger” law, House Bill 1280, banning abortion from the moment “when a male human sperm penetrates the zona pellucida of a female human ovum”—a moment more commonly…

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