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Editors’ note: As we approach our fiftieth anniversary, in February 2023, we will, every week, highlight an important story from our past and offer some perspective on it. Stephen Harrigan was born in Oklahoma, but he spent the most formative part of his life, he said recently, in Corpus Christi, where he lived between the ages of ten and seventeen. “Those seven years were profound for me, not in terms of learning anything but in terms of absorbing sensations,” he told me. “The power and mystery of the Texas Gulf Coast just sort of leached into my personality and the way I responded to things.”Some of his most potent childhood memories involve the “smell of salt water,” he said, and the natural landscapes of the Gulf of Mexico.…

The post What Stephen Harrigan’s Late-’80s Reporting Prophesied for Galveston Bay appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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