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Hannah, sculptor Joseph Havel’s African gray parrot.The busiest artist in Texas has little to say when we meet, but she lets out a brief whistle.She quivers slightly as she sizes me up, gazing at me through intelligent eyes the color of fresh-churned butter. She is wary around strangers because in some respects, she might as well be a chicken; pretty much anybody she encounters might want to eat her.This spring, a lot of folks will want to meet Hannah, sculptor Joseph Havel’s African gray parrot. She’s not likely to appear in public, but her work will. Hannah is Havel’s star collaborator for an exhibition at the nonprofit art space Dallas Contemporary, where “Parrot Architecture” will be on view April 16–August 21, plus smaller shows at Dallas’s Talley Dunn Gallery (“Flight Paths…

The post Texas’s Newest Master Sculptor Is a Parrot Named Hannah appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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