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texanist largest pools in texasQ: What (and where) are the biggest swimming pools in the Lone Star State?A: While everything is, of course, not really bigger in Texas, Texas is indeed full of many very big things. Were the Texanist to lose focus with regard to the question at hand, he might well digress with a long list of big things found across the state, including but not limited to pecan statues (Seguin), rattlesnake statues (Freer), ranches (Kingsville), masonry shafts (the San Jacinto Monument), urban bat colonies (Austin), gas stations (multiple beaver-infested locations), and egos (howdy, y’all!). Alas, the Texanist will exercise restraint. As for swimming pools, we are very fortunately blessed with a bounty of big, beautiful watery spots. Ranking the very biggest among these by size, however, is…

The post The Texanist: Where Are the Biggest Swimming Pools in Texas? appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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