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Dr. Tandy Freeman in Weatherford, on June 8, 2024.When asked to define the two-word mantra that guides professional rodeo, cowboys generally issue a stream of synonymous directives. Be tough. Don’t quit. You ride hurt. You ride sick. If you’re not confined to bed, then you’re not really hurt. Toughen up. Don’t be a sissy. Don’t complain about it. Do your job. Get back out there. They all add up to the same thing: Cowboy up.But right now, a cowboy is down. For eight seconds—the time a bull rider must remain mounted to receive a score—a 29-year-old Brazilian named Kaique Pacheco managed to stay perched atop one ton of bovine muscle, a bull named Flashbang. But then, the ride complete, Flashbang launched Pacheco off his back and into the air. The rider landed headfirst. He…

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