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Maren Hoffa, Becky Milne, Susan Carter, Chief Executive Officer, Arthritis Foundation South Central Region and Kerri Fabert.

Last night, the Arthritis Foundation hosted a special reception in honor and appreciation of the organization’s friends and supporters.  The event, held at “3015 at Trinity Groves,” recognized volunteers and donors for their past support and dedication last year. Shelley Tims, Director, Community Advancement, Arthritis Foundation South Central Region also announced that one of the organization’s signature community-wide events now has a new name.  The Arthritis Walk is now the Walk to Cure Arthritis North Texas which will be held at its new location at the Ballpark at Arlington on Saturday, May 3. The new name showcases its commitment to finding a cure and ending the pain of arthritis, the nation’s #1 cause of disability.  For more info visit:

During the reception, Tims explained that the Arthritis Foundation is working to improve the lives of nearly 1 million Dallas-Ft. Worth area residents, as well as 3.9 million adults and 25,000 children across Texas who struggle every day with this serious health epidemic. To help reduce the unacceptable pain, disability and other burdens of arthritis and related diseases, the Arthritis Foundation offers information, events, research grants, advocacy activities and other vital programs and services to those in the Dallas-Ft. Worth communities and throughout the state. Visit:

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