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A true builder at heart, McCarthy Buildings Companies Texas Division recently got their hands dirty at Mi Escuelita Preschool. McCarthy is passionate about building and using their skills to grow the communities they serve, and recently over 30 employees volunteered their time to spend a day renovating and enhancing Mi Escuelita Preschool, Casa View campus in Dallas. Work projects included painting, replacing ceiling tiles and light fixtures, installing panic push bars on all the building entrance/exit doors, repairing the playground gate and spreading fresh mulch throughout the play area.

McCarthy has supported Mi Escuelita throughout the past three years by holding work days at campuses and hosting fundraisers. The volunteerism of McCarthy employees and their families makes a difference in the lives of the 650 children served by Mi Escuelita. Operating six sites across Dallas, the school provides early childhood education to low income at-risk children, ages two-to-five years old.

The volunteer event held at the school was made possible by McCarthy's "Heart Hats" program. An initiative dedicated to encouraging, supporting and recognizing McCarthy employees' volunteer efforts in a variety of causes to ensure real needs are being met in communities where employees work, live and play. This company-wide volunteer program allows McCarthy employees across the country to take at least one (paid) full-day off from work annually to utilize their building skills and other talents to aid local organizations such as Mi Escuelita Preschool in Dallas.

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