Madison Parry
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Meet Mary A nice smile after the first day of band camp. Eight hours long with all of her responsibilities and she exuberant for the next day.

Mary Stimson is a senior at Highland Park High School devoted to the Highlander Band. In Early May she put herself in the running of the Highlander Band President against another student. She had a week and a half to bribe with snacks and express her adoration for the band to the other band students. After Ms. Stimson gave a short speech to every Band class along with her component and convinced what she would do as president and all the improvements she would enforce. After the band students voted on their belief as the best fit for the rule. Later that day she was announced the winner and from henceforth on she a dead straight agenda to a perfect marching season. 

A week later she went to auditions to be the woodwind captain which she had been the previous year. With nearly 50 band members trying out for the about 15 spots. The first part is purely marching, the directors analyzing all the students to identify the strongest marchers to be the mentor for the underclassmen. Ms. Stimson was then moved up to the interview portion and was faced questions from the band directors on her abilities. There she was put through the final portion where the student body of the band voted on all attributes and the directors scored them up and posted all the strongest ,student-friendly mentors in early May. 

During the summer Mary was required to attend several weeks of training and coaching to fill her position she also is in charge of every other position and is henceforth the leader while the directors were off writing or discussing the drill, and getting the music for band camp. 

On August 4th Ms. Stimson arrived at 10 am to prep all the rooms for the growing band in 5 different rooms. Then at 12 pm all her summer work paid off when the freshmen walked through the doors and  the start of the Marching Season began. 

As Captain Mary Stimson looks at all the marchers and teaches and corrects every precise part of one step to the 8 minute half show along with maintaining her perfection marching in the show. 

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