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How much do you use your backyard? How about your front yard? These are the two spaces within our home that typically get used the least, however they are the most natural, open spaces you have. Jack McGrath and Associates creates yards that are both beautiful and functional.

Jack McGrath, landscape architecture, goes beyond just landscape design. McGrath has a saying;

“You live in a box. You drive in a box. You work in a box.”

This outlook helps McGrath explain the beauty, depth and importance of having an outdoor space that you can use. Your yard becomes a retreat just steps from your door, an everyday escape or vacation from the stresses of life.

A Park Cities family decided to hire Jack McGrath & Associates for their front and back yard redesign and renovation. What sets this landscape design company apart is the effort they make to build a relationship with the homeowners allowing them to better understand how they will use their outdoor space.

Jack McGrath was able to showcase the home’s natural beauty while incorporating the colors and textures the homeowners wanted. A yard that looks like every other yard won’t be relaxing, won’t be unique and won’t be yours. Customizing a yard to your standards and needs will allow you to entertain and relax.

“You want your outdoor space to reflect and compliment the inside of your home,” Jack McGrath said. “Keep with the colors of nature and the color pallet of the interior and exterior of the home.”

When it comes to the redesign and/or renovation of a project, Jack McGrath takes into consideration every detail the eye can see. Whether it's hiding unpleasant obstructions such as air conditioning units and garages, adding color and texture that compliments the home, or placing plants, trees and flowers in just the right spots for a pop of color and a beautiful aroma, Jack McGrath can do it all.

If you haven’t been able to fully enjoy your outdoor spaces, call Jack McGrath and Associates today. Start enjoying the beauty of nature.  

For References contact Jack McGrath & Associates

Jack McGrath & Associates

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