Tips, Advice & Promotions
BubbleLife Staff

The snow is gone, the sun is shining and lets hope the short lived Dallas winter is over and done with. The cold weather we had may have done a number on your water heater and pipes, so if you are starting to spring clean, it’s time for some springtime maintenance.

With spring finally starting to kick in it is a great time for those home improvements you pushed to the side during the holidays. One important task that must be done is checking that water heater and pipes. If you spot these signs post winter weather it is probably time to call an expert.

  • Age – Inspect your water heater’s age. If you know it is time to replace that water heater, don’t wait any longer.
  • Rust – If you notice the water in your water heater has a tint to it, this could be caused by rust build up.
  • Temperature – If your hot water is not hot, or you are running out of warm water a lot quicker than usual you need your water heater inspected. No one likes being the person in the shower with a head full of shampoo when the hot water runs out.
  • Leaks – If you notice water surrounding your water heater you may have a small leak, which could potential lead to a HUGE problem. One small leak could eventually lead to flooding, a problem that you don’t want to deal with.

This is a small checklist to ensure that you are ready for the spring. Along with checking your water heater you should always check your pipes for any leaks and rust that may be caused by the colder weather.

If you have any problems with your plumbing or need a routine check up call Hooper Plumbing & Air Conditioning. BubbleLife Deals is offering a FREE service call from Hooper Plumbing & Air Conditioning until 3/31/2011. So don’t waste any more time and give us a call:

Hooper Plumbing & Air Conditioning

6725 Hillcrest Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75205