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Barvo Walker, world-renowned sculptor and HPPC member, made a visit to HPPDS and Anne Scates’ Pre-K class on February 20, 2014. He spoke to the children about how he was a dentist and later felt called by God to become a sculptor.  Barvo took them to see one of his works: the Celtic cross at the altar in the HPPC Sanctuary. He explained the design is a cross with a ring around it, which represents the fullness of life. He also talked about the metals he used on the sculpture - bronze, gold and silver.  Barvo further explained that the cross had a secret.  He elaborated that he had placed a small box with a letter inside of it into the cross which tells how it was made, when he created it, and who paid for it. The children were excited to know this “secret.” The students truly enjoyed learning about the sculptures and listening to Barvo, who also helped inspire the children to design their own crosses out of clay, which they will soon take home. HPPDS and Mrs. Scates’ class are so appreciative of Barvo and the time he took to share his talents and knowledge with them.

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