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May is Mental Health Awareness Month and as a mental and behavioral healthcare provider that has existed for over 75 years, Recovery Resource Council is sharing tips to help you manage your mental health. April Eastman, Clinical Director of Veterans Counseling Services, offers the following tips for managing mental health. “Each day complete what I call ‘The Big Three.’ These are questions that we can ask ourselves to assist in feeling equipped and grounded to face each day’s obstacles and stressors.”

The first question:  What actions am I taking today to feel connected to my body? Whether that is ensuring that you drink enough water, make healthier eating decisions, or go for a daily walk.

The second question: What actions am I taking today to feel connected to my spirit or self?  This may mean that you read a book that gives you joy, you may pet your dog, or even take an art class.

The third question is: What actions am I taking today to feel connected to others?  Connecting to others could mean going to lunch with a friend or co-worker or it might mean calling someone on the phone that you haven’t spoken with in a while. This connection will give you peace and hopefully some laughter. Making these kinds of connections on a daily basis will support our bodies and minds with fuel for the more difficult challenges.

For those needing help with managing anxiety, Eastman offers the following tip: “We feel the highest anxiety levels when we are focused on an event in the past or an event that may happen in the future. Focusing and being fully present in the moment or task at hand will increase our sense of control which in turn decreases anxiety.”

More tips from Recovery Resource Council staff:

  1. If you don't feel good, go sit out in the sun for 10 minutes.
  2. Pick at least one thing this week that made you smile.
  3. Find a quiet space (hiding space away from others), sit down, close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe deeply
  4. Write down what you are feeling, no matter how trivial, in a journal. Sometimes, you need to get it out of your head.
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
  6. Limit your screen time.
  7. Practice meditation and mindfulness.
  8. Find an exercise regime you’ll stick to.
  9. Practice stress-reduction techniques.
  10. Don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help.

Recovery Resource Council’s Enduring Families program provides free individual, couple/marriage, and family psychotherapy to veterans and their family members, ages 4 and up, in need of mental health services. Services are available to any veteran or service member, whether active or discharged, and are provided by master’s or PhD licensed mental health clinicians. Our program’s services are offered in-person at our three campuses in Tarrant, Dallas, and Denton counties as well as statewide via telemental health.       

If you are a veteran or family member struggling with mental health, please reach out to Recovery Resource Council today – (817) 332-6329.

About Recovery Resource Council
With campuses in Fort Worth, Dallas, and Denton, Recovery Resource Council is the most comprehensive nonprofit behavioral healthcare provider in North Texas, offering a pathway to recovery since 1946. Its mission is to promote wellness and recovery from disorders relating to alcohol, substance use, trauma, and mental health. The Council provides mental health services, outpatient treatment and recovery services, prevention programming, and housing services within 20 North Texas counties to over 40,000 adults and youth annually, including veterans and the chronically homeless. The Council is Joint Commission accredited and licensed by the State of Texas as an outpatient treatment provider. For more information, visit


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