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Author & Mastery Life Coach Jason Treu

Have you ever admired those successful, confident, motivated, and charismatic people who seem to have it all? They've climbed the corporate ladder quickly or started a great business. Their love life is amazing and they have fantastic friends. They’ve made all the right connections. They’ve mastered networking and how to build relationships. They’re very persuasive and created significant influence with people. And…all of this has opened up limitless opportunities for them. 

What’s their secret? What breakthroughs have they learned that you haven’t? They have figured out the biggest predicator for success is…Social Wealth. 

Local Author, Jason Treu, is releasing his 2nd book titled “Social Wealth: How to Build Extraordinary Relationships By Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Lead and Network” on Tuesday, September 9th. Connections are why we are here and it’s the reason we are alive. In contract, disconnection brings us the most pain, suffering and challenges in our lives. Therefore, the number one determining factor for success in life is the ability and skill to build deep, meaningful relationships, and create true belonging. Your legacy comes down to becoming rich in all your relationships” says Mr. Treu. 

Social Wealth will give you the blueprint and action steps you’ve been looking for to achieve the success you desire and deserve. 

The reality is no one is born with this information and skills. No one sits you down to explain how it works, and you certainly don't learn this in your education. These are learned skills and behaviors. 

By the time you finish “Social Wealth…How to Create Rich, Rewarding Relationships that Last a Lifetime” readers will have a bullet-proof, passion-fueled strategy built on the skills and confidence of learning what others don’t know. Readers will also have the power to define what they want, spot potential obstacles to their success, and the tools and skills to get exactly what they want. 

In this how to guide, readers will learn to:


•           Create the powerful, life-changing “Social Wealth Mindset™”…


•           Leverage scientifically proven, field-tested human behavior insights…


•           Master essential social, communication, influencer, leadership and emotional skills…


•           Embrace vulnerability, authenticity, generosity and imperfection to courageously engage with others and create meaningful connections


•           Develop a “real world” social media plan to put it all together for your personal and professional life.


Readers will also receive a complimentary guide, 15 Social Wealth Tools, to help receive quicker results. 

For more information visit or go to to purchase at (online book copies are available complimentary from Tuesday, September 9th to Thursday, September 11th). If you would like a printed copy or a PDF, please contact Courtney Edwards. 

To learn more, also visit:

For information, please contact Courtney Edwards at 214-728-2918 or

About Author Jason Treu

Jason Treu is one of the top life mastery coaches and speakers in the world changing the way people live, love, lead and connect. Jason has developed products and provided coaching services to thousands of clients worldwide helping them create the business, relationships, wealth, career, life and love they desire and deserve. He teaches clients how to master their own psychology and create exceptional habits to put back the passion, love and purpose in their lives. Jason couples that with showing them how to build extraordinary relationships with others to build deep, meaningful connections and cultivate true belonging (and not trying to fit in). 

Jason Treu has also more than 15 years of marketing, communications, and social media experience with Fortune 500 companies and startups, along with a JD and MA in Public Relations from Syracuse University. He lives in Dallas, Texas with his amazing Jack Russell Terrier, Napoleon and his network of more than 15,000 people locally.  

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