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DB13 Paul Massey, Angela Auld, Noel Rodriguez, Ca Paul Massey, Angela Auld, Noel Rodriguez, Carol Hatton

Designer Edo Popken brought fashion and culture to this year’s DIFFA/Dallas, Masquerade 2014. With over 1,500 patrons attending the event of the season, DIFFA/Dallas showcased a curated selection of one-of-a-kind, tailored jackets and an array of fashion-inspired auction packages. One in particular featured at this year’s event was by Swiss Designer, Edo Popken with his Red Velvet Blazer seen on the runway.   

Mr. Popken also offered a VIP personal styling session event for one custom outfit at the Dallas flagship store , up to seven nights stay for four at Mr. Popken’s Guest House over-looking the Marne Valley, France (just forty minutes from the heart of Paris), six bottles of Edo Popken Champagne Rose and a gourmet dinner at Chateau de Venteuil.   

Mr. Popken also outfitted his guest at the DIFFA/Dallas event, Rhonda Sargent Chambers, Fashion Show Producer and Owner of RSC Show Productions for the occasion with an Edo Popken logo-inspired bowtie and vest, Black with Check Cuff Limited Edition Dress Shirt and White Club Blazer.

As a DIFFA supporter for the last two years, Mr. Popken hosted a celebratory Brunch on April 3rd for the 2014 DIFFA/Dallas Sponsors, Style Council Ambassadors and Top Patrons. Guests enjoyed an Edo Popken Spring Collection Presentation, a brunch buffet provided by Doug Boster Catering and mimosas were served.

Seen in the crowd: Brittanie Buchanan Oleniczak, Carol Quist, Clint Bradley, Darin Kunz, Simona Beal, Jim DiMarino and Noel Rodriguez. 

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