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Event co-chairs Mari Epperson and Sharon Ballew

Children center of attention in
DSOL’s Fashion Notes Fashion Presentation and Luncheon


The great comedian, W.C. Fields, is credited with the line, “Never work with children or animals.” It was obvious that the children were the center of attention when the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League held its inaugural Women’s and Children’s Fashion Presentation and Luncheon at the Mansion on Saturday, March 28. The models for the show were League members and their families so there were familiar faces on the runway with adorable children who were naturally entertaining and fun to watch.

The little ones arrived at 9 a.m. and had to be on their best behavior until they were featured on the runway several hours later. League president Dixie Marshall strutted down the runway with her grandniece Ava Messer. Little Ave stayed on for the luncheon and she was the perfect “little lady” for the very long day. 

The event was chaired by Mari Epperson and Sharon Ballew. Honorary chairs were Linda Ivy and Nell Broughton.

The fashions were provided by Carla Martinengo Boutique in Preston Center, KidBiz and The St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange.

Martinengo featured top fashion designers Balenciaga, Chloe, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Jean Paul Gaultier, among others and provided the WOW factor for the show. Not only were the fashions incredibly stunning, but the fact that the League members were modeled them made it that much more breathtaking – these ladies never looked more beautiful! 

Proceeds from the event will benefit the education and community programs for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

Photos by Chuck Clark

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