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Mia Meacham and Candace Tyson

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League hosted a Party of Note with DSO violinists Bruce Wittrig and Daphne Volle at Perry’s Steakhouse and Grille on May 16. The reception and dinner was limited to 40 people, making it an intimate evening for the guests. 

League president Melissa Lewis introduced the  musicians who regularly perform programs for children in the classrooms. They chose to use a similar approach for the evening’s guests so the educational aspect could be experienced along with the musical program. 

The dinner was generously underwritten by Perry’s which will enable all proceeds from the event to benefit the education and community programs for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

Photos by Deborah Brown


Key to Photos


  1. Bruce Wittrig, DSOL President Melissa Lewis and Daphne Volle
  2. Scott and Darlene Ellison
  3. Larry and Venise Stuart
  4. Brad and Becky Todd with Diane and Mark LaRoe
  5. Mari Epperson with Pete and Kay Weeks
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