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Educators at Texans Can Academy - Dallas Oak Cliff stress the importance of local partnerships with representatives from DISD feeder schools.

Texans Can Academy - Dallas Oak Cliff recently held an open house to build partnerships and pursue opportunities with local feeder schools in hopes of making sure every student is provided with the resources they need. Representatives from each school learned about the organization’s program structure through information sessions, class visits and a full campus tour.

Kicking off the open house, Texans Can Academy - Dallas Oak Cliff provided breakfast and began giving information about the school and services offered by the organization to ensure students get the individualized attention they need. The campus invited representatives from W.H. Adamson High School, L.G. Pinkston High School, Sunset High School, South Oak Cliff High School, Thomas Jefferson High School and other feeder schools in the Dallas Independent School District.

“Texans Can Academies envisions partnering with local ISDs in cities where we have campuses to make sure no student is left out,” said Texans Can Academy - Dallas Oak Cliff Principal Cynthia Miles. “Our campus is excited to have this opportunity to build partnerships with local DISD schools. Representatives were very impressed by our program structure and the many services our organization offers students.”

Throughout the day, student ambassadors gave tours of the campus while answering questions about the programs and services. Visitors learned about the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) program, with classes designed to enhance the cognitive functions needed for academic learning through a series of exercises and specialized techniques for students with learning challenges. The school also shared information on additional services offered to students such as the 24/7 counseling program and the Care Van, which provides immunizations and flu shots to students multiple times a year.

Through the partnerships built, the schools will be able to help students that will most benefit from the Texans Can Academies academic program and ensures students receive the resources they need to achieve their education. Students that struggle in a traditional high school setting are offered the highest quality education in order to ensure their economic independence, earn their high school diplomas and pursue their college or career path.

For more information about Texans Can Academies, please visit

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