Council for Life
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Mike Spencer of Life Training Institue

DALLAS: Council for Life hosted the 5th annual Together for Life Pastors’ Breakfast on January 14, 2020, at the Belo Mansion for over 100 area pastors. The goal of this event is to bring pastors and ministry leaders together from around the city to encourage, inspire and equip them to "Stand Together for Life" in their churches and communities. 

Keynote speaker Mike Spencer of Life Training Institute gave a powerful talk entitled “The Pastor and Abortion: Compassionate Shepherding in a Disposable Culture.” Mike reminded attendees that we are called as Shepherds of God to protect the unborn, and that "when the Shepherd goes silent, babies die." Mike equipped the audience in a straightforward way with essential tools and intellectual grounding to articulate the pro-life message on the issue of abortion. The Reverend Chris Wheel of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship provided the welcome and invocation. The Right Reverend Philip Jones of All Saints Dallas called guests to action to learn more about Council for Life’s mission and events. 

Thanks to the dedication of Pastors' Breakfast Chairs, Lee Anne Morris and Claudia Jones, the Breakfast was a huge success, imparting to attendees impactful, encouraging messages about being effective advocates for Life for the flocks to which they are entrusted.

"Council for Life is standing in the gap and bringing church leaders together to initiate conversations and embolden the Christian community to end abortion in our day. Mike Spencer shared truths every pastor needs to hear and see in order to lead those God has entrusted to our care." stated Pastor Bruce Kendrick, Director of Life Initiatives at Watermark Community Church.

About Council for Life

Council for Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more at

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