Council for Life
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DALLAS: Council for Life hosted the 4th annual Together for Life Pastors’ Breakfast on January 8, 2019, at the Park City Club for over 100 area pastors and ministry leaders. The goal of Together for Life is to bring pastors and ministry leaders together from around the city to encourage, inspire and equip them to "Stand Together for Life" in their churches and communities.

Pastor Chris Simmons of Cornerstone Baptist Church served as emcee of the Breakfast and invited members of the clergy to learn more about Council For Life’s mission and events. Mark Campbell, Founder of The Vox Project, presented a compelling case for why pastors and ministry leaders need to move to action. He encouraged pastors to boldly speak for life – to stand firm and overcome the obstacles that ministry leaders so often face in standing for life, including fear of losing support. Joe Martin, Jr., Founder and Senior Pastor of C3 Trinity Church, shared his personal story and inspired guests with ideas for how they can encourage their church families and ministry participants to make life-affirming choices.  

Pastors' Breakfast Chairs, Antoinette Davis and Elizabeth Tamlyn, dedicated themselves during the months and weeks leading up to the event to securing the gifted speakers and following up with pastors to encourage them to attend. Antoinette and Elizabeth's efforts culminated in making the Pastors' Breakfast a huge success with a wonderful turnout and the encouraging, inspirational messages about Life with which all attendees were equipped upon leaving.

Council For Life’s 2019 President, Cathy Siskenthusiastically shared, “We left with a renewed sense of purpose and understanding that the conversation about LIFE should start in the church and radiate out of Christ’s love and mercy to the community.”

About Council For Life

Council For Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more at

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