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Council for Life hosted its 9th annual “Men Stand for Life” breakfast at the Dallas Country Club on Tuesday, February 28. The featured speaker, Dr. Anthony Levatino, shared his journey as a former abortionist turned pro-life activist. In Levatino’s compelling presentation, he spoke in heart-wrenching detail about the specifics of what it was like to perform over 1,200 abortions, hundreds of them late term, and the toll it took on himself and his wife who herself had trouble conceiving at the time. It took losing his only daughter in the mid-1980’s to start questioning the lives he was taking on a daily basis. Eventually, Levatino decided to quit the abortion industry altogether in the late 1980’s. Today, Levatino is a medical director for two pregnancy health centers, has founded a crisis pregnancy center, is a medical adviser for Priests for Life, is involved with the Pro-life Action League, works for National Right to Life, and has testified before Congress against abortion four times.

“It was an honor to hear such an impactful pro-life message from someone who spent years of his life performing abortions.” says Roy Washburn, Chair of the Men Stand for Life Breakfast. “I don’t think anyone who heard Dr. Levatino’s message left with any doubt about the reality of what abortion truly is.”

CFL will host its 8th annual Run for Life 5K on April 1, 2017 at Continental Bridge/Trinity Groves. Buckner Children and Family Services and Gladney Center for Adoption will be the beneficiaries for the run. Visit for more information and to register for the event.

About Council for Life: Council for Life exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices.  Characterized by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, this organization is committed to raising public awareness for the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and provide financial support to agencies that share in its mission. Visit or for more information.

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