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Council for Life hosted its 7th Annual Run for Life 5K on Saturday, April 2nd at the Continental Bridge/Trinity Groves. Hundreds of Dallas families and over forty students from Highland Park High School’s Gifts for Life Club joined together to Run for Life. Run for Life celebrates the gift of adoption and benefits Gladney Center for Adoption and Buckner Children and Family Services.

“When my mom started the run seven years ago, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get youth involved in Council for Life’s cause,” said Flora Kate Richards, Run for Life Co-Chair and co-founder of Highland Park High School’s Gifts for Life Club, “When I learned I would be co-chairing the run with my mom this year, I used the opportunity to establish the Gifts for Life Club at Highland Park with my friend, Maddie Basso, and we chose Run for Life as our beneficiary. On race-day, I loved seeing so many High School students and teachers from Highland Park high school and even other schools from around Dallas show up in support of Council for Life.”

For the first time in the history of Run for Life, the race took place at the Continental Bridge/Trinity Groves. Council for Life’s Young Leaders for Life group passed out sunglasses from West Coast Vibes and iPhone lanyards. Baylor student, Troy Dixon, deejayed. Juice Bar and Corner Bakery provided refreshments.

About Council for Life:

The Council for Life exists is to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. The Council is motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion. The Council is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more at Council for Life’s website

 Photos by Macatee Photography

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