
By: Stephanie Murdoch

North Texas Giving Day is back this year on September 19th. Texas Cares is one of this year’s participating nonprofits. Texas CARES is an all-volunteer based non-profit cat rescue group.  We have been around for nearly three decades and have helped hundreds of kitties find their forever homes. Texas CARES rescues cats and kittens from city shelters throughout Texas and never hesitates to pull those that might need special medical attention. 

That’s where the funds for North Texas Giving Day come in. While our veterinary partners are generous with their time and resources, we do have to pay them for the work they perform on each and every kitty. This includes the required vaccinations, spay and neuter surgeries and medicines.

Over the years, Texas CARES has had to perform surgery on special needs kitties, like Finley, who was diagnosed with Pectus Excavatum which is a chest birth deformity that caused pressure on the heart and lungs. Finley’s surgeries cost upwards of $4,000.

Funds from North Texas Giving Day helped pay for his surgeries and now Finley is living the good life in his forever home.

Texas CARES hopes to continue to be able to rescue cats and kittens like Finley. With the money we raise on North Texas Giving Day, we will. Last year, we were able to raise $6,311 on Giving Day.

North Texas Giving Day will return September 9-19, 2019 with 10 days of scheduled giving and free public events and service projects. Since Communities Foundation of Texas started North Texas Giving Day in 2019, the event has raised $240 million for thousands of nonprofits in the entire 20-county North Texas region. Last year alone, $48 million was raised through more than 157,000 gifts benefiting 2,700 local nonprofits.

 Get up and Give on September 19 to Texas CARES and support cats and kittens like Finley here:

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