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National Philanthropy Day Luncheon Daniela Melendez, Gillian Breidenbach, Mary Brinegar, Wendy Morales

The Greater Dallas Chapter of Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) hosted the 31st annual luncheon “Creating Our Future,”  celebrating Dallas’ National Philanthropy Day – bringing together area nonprofits, volunteers, funders, foundations, business and community members to honor many of this city’s finest who give selflessly in support of numerous worthy causes – on November 18 at the Hyatt Regency downtown.

Event chair Tara Judd Longley, CFRE, CPECP, shared a message of gratitude with the crowd of 500, thanking them for their philanthropy, service, dedication, and investment in the future. The Greater Dallas Chapter of AFP was among the first to begin celebrating National Philanthropy Day in 1981.  AFP Chapters involve more than 28,000 individuals in celebrating philanthropy each year. 

“National Philanthropy Day is a special day set aside in November to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy—and those people active in the philanthropic community—to the enrichment of our world,” said Longley.  “We are so blessed to live in a city that is truly driven by philanthropy, civic-mindedness, and volunteerism.”

This year’s awards honored Mike Myers as Outstanding Philanthropist; Holly Mayer as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser; Jim Lewis, CFRE, as Outstanding Fundraising Executive; The Theodore and Beulah Beasley Foundation as Outstanding Foundation; Bank of America as Outstanding Corporation; and the Garage Sale Girls as Outstanding Youth(s) in Philanthropy.

The luncheon was emceed by longtime supporter Scott Murray, whose company Murray Media partnered with AFP this year as presenting sponsor, producing luncheon videos featuring the accomplishments of each award recipient.

AFP President Judy Wright recognized Murray Media for their support as well as additional major sponsors South Texas Money Management, Dini Spheris, The Dallas County Community College District Foundation, Texas Health, M. Gale and Associates, Parkland Foundation, Texas Capital Bank, and Southwestern Medical Foundation and UT Southwestern.

Attendees included Mary Brinegar, Brent Christopher, Ruben Esquivel, Ed Fjordbak, Sarah Losinger, Michael Meadows, Jay McAuley, Lynn McBee, Helen and Frank Risch, Bob Thornton, Lynn Vogt, and Jeanie Wyatt.

Scott Murray thanked all for coming to celebrate the impact philanthropy has in our communities and encouraged everyone to note the date for next year – Friday, Nov. 10, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas.

He concluded the luncheon as he does for each of his broadcast shows, “Always remember to live your life as a go-getter, but never forget to share your life as a go-giver.”

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