
ACAESUSFree Virtual Public Health Series: Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention




Chinese Version Video 

 The Asian Culture and Education Society USA invited Dr. Zhiyong Li, M.D., Ph.D. to give the Asian community a 1-hour presentation titled “Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention” for its Virtual Public Health Series. 


First, Dr. Li talked about cancer’s impact on society: over six hundred thousand deaths in the USA in 2020. On a positive note, 80% of cancer risk factors are avoidable, including tobacco use, alcohol use, lifestyle choices, exercise, and diet habits. Among these risk factors, diet habits have the most serious impact, accounting for 35%, while tobacco use accounts for 30%, and familial factors account for only 3%. Therefore, if we practice healthy eating, we could better avoid health concerns, such as cancer.


Furthermore, Dr. Li recommends a few options for the prevention of cancer. First and foremost, due to the serious impact of diet habits, Dr. Li suggests that one should eat a variety of foods and focus on five important points: five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, foods high in fiber and low in fat, using healthy cooking techniques, seeing a registered dietitian for guidance, and being mindful of food choices. Another recommendation involves maintaining a desirable weight, and Dr. Li demonstrated how to calculate BMI. More of the population is overweight rather than underweight due to eating out, as most convenience foods are higher in fat and calories than homemade meals.


Additionally, Dr. Li connected the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, as smoking accounts for 87% of lung cancer cases, and one out of every five smokers develops lung cancer. In the United States, there are about 228,820 new cases and 135,720 deaths due to lung cancer annually. Dr. Li warns that there is no safe form of tobacco product; thus, it is important to promote the cessation of smoking and the avoidance of tobacco products. 


More than 50 people from the Asian community attended this Virtual Public Health Series, and participants asked questions enthusiastically during the Q&A session. The ACAESUSA community deeply appreciates Dr. Li for his lecture on promoting good health and answering all of the questions patiently. We will remember Dr. Zhiyong Li’s recommendations and remind friends to live a healthier life!


“Welcome new members! It is easy to feel powerless in the face of COVID-19, but together we can make a difference! We will continue to help the community in need,” said Jan Xie, the president of Asian Culture and Education Society USA. “Please join and support the ACAESUSA.”

Writer: Katherine Tang 

Editor: ACAESUSA media team


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