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The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Free Summer Cultural Awareness Program was successfully held on June 4th. This year's event was planned and executed entirely by the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Youth Group. Thanks to our sponsor, Onion Creek Ranch, for the over 200 acres of land and the lake housing lotus flowers, running deer, wildflowers, and a shooting range. The wide open space made this event even more informative than last year, and both parents and children had a great time. 


The camp’s directors, Jessica Wu and Andy Xu thank the campers for their great performances and their parents  for their support.

 Amy, Jessica, Andy, and Samuel met ahead of time to discuss the event and decided to run it in conjunction with the Asian Cultural and Education Society Youth Leadership Camp. The youth volunteers who came to the training used their knowledge to plan and organize the event with greater efficiency. 


From left to right: Emily Wang, Warner Yan, Dayou Wu, Crystal Luong, Andy Xu, Jessica Wu and Eric Wang. We also thank the youth volunteers Amy Xu, Samuel Wu, Joanne Jin, Eric Wang, Amber Wang, Grace Wang and William Xu who overcame Covid -19 virus and the hot weather to organize the event successfully. The event was well received by the parents who attended the camp.



On the day of the event, each volunteer enthusiastically welcomed new friends, and they introduced each other to their new friends. The students made gifts for the Independence Day parade, strung charity sale bracelets, made dumplings and Zongzi, rafted in the lake, fished, roasted marshmallows at night, and looked at the moon through a big telescope.  Also, the students and the parents shot guns on the firing range, barbecued BBQ for dinner, grilled lamb kebabs. We listened to each of the parents share their favorite stories about their children and laughed until late at night.


Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA is a 501C3 non profit organization, You can  join ACAESUSA by sending an email to

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