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Sarah Secor-MacElroy Shares Her Story from Debutante to Despair to Loving Mother and Entrepreneur in the Just-Released Book ‘You’ve Got This, Mama: A Mother’s Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life’


A coauthor book led by Sabrina Greer featuring The Mama Tribe


Lakewood resident Sarah Secor-MacElroy is a co-author of “You’ve Got This, Mama: A Mother’s Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life,” the first installment in the just-released narrative nonfiction series from Golden Brick Road Publishing for not only mothers but any woman who has a mother or desires to be a mother. This book is a collection of inspirational accounts written by twenty women from all walks of life and stages of motherhood. She is currently writing for “You've Got This, Mama Too” due out May 2019.

In addition to inspirational nonfiction, Sarah's children's fiction debut, “Leaping Lumberjacks,” a plucky book about ballet and always being true to yourself, is due out later this year. She is the founder of Mother Of Wildthings, a blog where she shares stories about her life with her husband, Drew and their three sons along with empowering posts about overcoming the obstacles life can throw at us.


Sarah is the daughter of Sandra and John Secor MD of Highland Park. She is a graduate of Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano and attended Baylor University where during her sophomore year in 2006, she was a Dallas Symphony Debutante. She later graduated from the Art Institute of Dallas with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Fashion and Retail Management.


Here’s a revealing excerpt from the book: “Sarah Secor-MacElroy is a serial daydreamer with a gypsy soul. Over the past decade, Texas, Oregon, Czech Republic, Germany, and Montana have all been called home. She has always been resourceful and imaginative. From a young age, she put pen to paper and soon realized she could materialize these daydreams with her tenacity, some ingenuity, and the occasional PowerPoint. Growing up, Sarah was shy and suffered from severe anxiety, always trying to seem aloof, she gained a reputation as the “bad girl.”


“Sarah has always been impetuous, like the time she went to get her first tattoo and left with her entire back covered. She was later a reluctant debutante and college dropout, sinking back into anxiety and alcoholism. Eventually, Sarah found salvation in motherhood…”


“You’ve Got This, Mama: A Mother’s Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life” is a beautiful collection of heartwarming and inspiring stories told by the real mothers who experienced them. Motherhood is the hardest job you’ll ever love, and it is not meant to be braved alone. It takes a village, right? We are your village and are here to let you know you are not alone on your motherhood journey.


One, if not many, of these gorgeous souls will provide you with that. This book, much like motherhood, is full of emotion, and their stories encompass loss, love, infidelity. The authors share their most intimate journeys and reflections with you in hopes to empower and provide you the judgment-free support we all deserve.     


“You’ve Got This, Mama: A Mother’s Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life” is published by Golden brick Road Publishing. It is available on, at Barnes & Noble. 


Learn more at the publisher’s website: and the blog:


Visit Sarah’s blog at

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