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Gigi Salley, hostess; Deborah McKeever, Tea chair; Therese Rourk, Advisory Board chair

Annalee Aston, Luncheon Chair| Mary Lee Cox, President

KidneyTexas, Inc. Spring Membership Tea was graciously hosted by Gigi Salley in her lovely Highland Park home. It was quite a fashionable event chaired by Deborah McKeever, as Tea invitation encouraged everyone to wear their favorite hats and tea attire. 


2018 Advisory Board Chair, Therese Cox, announced the chair for the 2018 Fashion Show and Luncheon Transforming Lives, Annalee Aston with Dr. Goran Klintmalm as honorary advisor.  Mary Lee Cox is the president of KidneyTexas, Inc.

Slated for Thursday, September 27, Transforming Lives will feature fashions from sponsor TOOTSIES in a fabulous runway presentation by renowned producer Jan Strimple.

Underwriting begins at $2,500 and is available at levels up to $50,000. Table host, sponsor and underwriter benefits include preferred seating, special program visibility and more. A limited number of $250 seats are available. Patron Individual seating tickets are at $500 and $1,000.

For more information, visit the web site at, email or call 214-891-0896.


Now is the time to join KidneyTexas, Inc. and get in on the ground floor of this year’s exciting private events, including teas and parties at private homes and Fashion Show and Luncheon announcements.

Membership in KidneyTexas, Inc. is open to the public and offers many benefits. Men are invited to join in their own special category, Men of Kidney. There is also a special Young Adult membership level for those from 21 – 35 at a discounted rate. Sign up through the website at at, contact 214-891-0896 or email        


Mission Statement: The purpose of KidneyTexas, Inc. is to provide funding to improve the methods of treatment, the search for a cure and prevention of kidney disease and other kindred or contributory diseases; and to develop more adequate provision for the care of persons suffering from such diseases.


Statistics: Debilitating kidney diseases impact approximately 20 million people in the United States today. Groups at high risk include African Americans, Hispanics, senior citizens and people with diabetes. In Texas, there are over 30,000 people on dialysis and 4,000 on a transplant list. The number of patients on dialysis is anticipated to double this decade.


History: Since 1999, the dedicated volunteers of KidneyTexas, Inc. have worked in tandem with our generous underwriters to raise over $3.1 million for local efforts to improve the ability to diagnose and manage kidney disease. 


Each fall KidneyTexas, Inc. hosts its Fashion Show and Luncheon in an effort to raise money for designated beneficiaries and awareness for a disease that affects millions of people each year. The success of this event depends heavily upon the contributions and dedication of our Dallas business and community leaders, and we're asking for your support.   

 * Photos by Dana Driensky


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