Starts 09/24/2024 10:30 (Tuesday)
Ends 09/24/2024 13:00 (Tuesday) Central Standard Time
Duration 2h, 30m
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The morning begins with a champagne reception followed by a program and runway fashion show produced by Jan Strimple Productions featuring fashions from Betty Reiter, TOOTSIES, St. John and NARDOS (styled with fine jewelry from Bachendorf’s), which is always a fabulous event including fun surprises. There will be an auction, raffle and award presentations. It is all topped off with a delicious luncheon.
Lauryn Gayle White, Honorary Chair. Claire Catrino and Kaleta Blaffer Johnson, Luncheon Chairs. Monica Cooley, President, KidneyTexas, Inc.
Beneficiaries: All of the funds raised stay in North Texas and benefit Baylor Scott and White Health Foundation, Children’s Medical Center Foundation, Methodist Health System Foundation, National Kidney Foundation/Camp Reynal, Southwest Transplant Alliance, Texas Health Resources Foundation.
Tickets: Sponsorships $5,000 and up. Individual Patron Level Tickets: $1,000 and $500. $350 individual tickets limited availability.
Mission Statement: The purpose of KidneyTexas, Inc. is to provide funding to improve the methods of treatment, the search for a cure and prevention of kidney disease and other kindred or contributory diseases; and to develop more adequate provision for the care of persons suffering from such diseases.
Statistics: Debilitating kidney diseases impacts approximately 35.5 million people in the United States today. Groups at high risk include African Americans, Hispanics, senior citizens and people with diabetes. In Texas as of 2023, there are over 50,000 people on dialysis and 8,294 people on a transplant list. There were 2,394 kidney transplants in Texas in 2022.
History: Since 1999, the dedicated volunteers of KidneyTexas, Inc. have worked in tandem with our generous underwriters to raise over $4.7 million for local efforts to improve the ability to diagnose and manage kidney disease.
Each fall KidneyTexas, Inc. hosts its Luncheon & Fashion Show in an effort to raise money for designated beneficiaries and awareness for a disease that affects millions of people each year. The success of this event depends heavily upon the contributions and dedication of our Dallas business and community leaders. Your support is crucial to the success of our mission.
Photo by Rob Wythe/Wythe Portrait Studio