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Mr. Don Bowles

A BIG Thank You goes to Mr. Don Bowles and his family for

making a meaningful donation to the Pathways Capital

Campaign. Mr. Bowles became a member at the Park Cities

YMCA in 1952 at 7 years of age playing in checkers

tournaments, youth sports, and ping pong along with being a

part of the Jr. Leaders Program. When asked what made him a

passionate donor, his answer was that there was nothing short

of family that has impacted him more than the YMCA.


Mr. Bowles spent 13 years at Camp Grady Spruce as a camper

and served in staff capacities along with his wife, Janie. Both

Bowles children attended CGS spending more years at camp

than either of their parents. There is a solid belief in their family

that the Y has the capacity to change lives by putting Christian

values into practice through programs that build spirit, mind and

body for all!


Due to his earliest memories at the Y relating the Luke 2:52

scripture quote to real life, Don has said nothing would make

him happier than to see those engraved words in the new Moody

Family YMCA dedicated to the work of three great Dallas Y

gentlemen; Jack Semones, Ron Kinnamon, and Ray Bean. This

scripture will be a part of the new YMCA thanks to Don and his



Caroline Lewis
Director of Development
Park Cities Family YMCA
6000 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75205
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