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Miramar Home | William S. Briggs, Architect

Trends in the real estate market can often be at odds with good design.  Bigger is not always better, likewise, checking off a list of currently popular home features may not leave you with a home that feels like YOUR home.  If you’re thinking of building a house, working with an architect is the number one way you can ensure that you will get a well-designed home that has been built with your desire for quality and beauty in mind.  Here a few things to consider:

Will it live well?

Beauty AND functionality are important, and neither should be overlooked.  Obviously, you will be living in and around your home on a daily basis, so you want an environment that is pleasing to look at, as well as one that serves your daily needs.  Disposing of kitchen cabinets in favor of floor to ceiling windows is a decision to consider carefully.  Make a list of both functional and aesthetic features you must have in your home and be willing to compromise on the rest.

Square Footage is Just a Number

Focus on the layout and feel of the home rather than the overall square footage.  As long as the space is well utilized, the actual size is just something to put on a flyer.  Open floor plans are achievable in any size- you just need to use some creativity.  

What’s the Budget?

Every home has a budget.  The materials you use to build your dream home will dictate a large amount of the cost.  Is granite a must-have?  Heated bathroom floors a necessity?  Working with an architect can open your eyes to new materials available, as well as how to maximize elegance while still sticking to a budget.  

If you’re not sold on the homes available for purchase, consider new construction.  It can be just as affordable, while giving you control over the design process.  

William S. Briggs, Architect, PLLC

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