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The University Park Public Library has Holiday magic planned for your family!  Sponsored by Christine McKenny and Allie Beth Allman and Associates, we are excited to fill the first three Saturdays in December with merriment:

December 2 -- Enjoy Holiday magic and a story with Mrs. Claus.  Once a year, she rides to work with Santa* to visit with us at the library.   

December 9 -- Make some Holiday ornaments for the library's Christmas tree and some to take home.  Enjoy some treats and Holiday music while crafting!

December 16 -- Enjoy laughter and mischief with Leon the Elf!  See what hijinks Leon has in store for us.

 *Don't forget that Santa and his reindeer are at the Plaza at Preston Center from 11am to 3pm the first three Saturdays in December.

All programs presented by the University Park Public Library are free and open to the public.  For more information, call the Library at 214-363-9095.

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