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The University Park Public Library is pleased to host a very special exhibit of this year's La Fiesta Duchess gowns.  Traditionally, the gowns have been displayed the week after the Gala at various locations throughout the Park Cities; but now they will be in one place!  The gowns will be displayed throughout the library from Tuesday, June 21 through Saturday, June 25 during regular Library Hours.  The University Park Public Library is located at the Plaza at Preston Center and is open 10am to 8pm Tuesday through Thursday and from 10am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday.

This display gives the Friends of the University Park Public Library and the Library a chance to thank La Fiesta for their generosity to the Friends since the early days when the library was established.  Funds donated to the Friends from La Fiesta have provided much of the children's book collection and supplies for craft programs. 

To further celebrate having the dresses at the Library, some special events are planned.  On Wednesday, June 22nd at 2pm, a story time with a duchess will entertain young readers.  She will share stories, sing, and give curtsey lessons.  On Friday, June 24 at 2pm, dukes and duchesses will be able to make their crowns or tiaras and design their own royal crest.  These events are free and open to the public. 

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