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Tuesday morning, I dropped our kids off at school and before my 8-year old crossed the street, I opened the window and asked him, “Hey Pasquale, do you want to run a half marathon with me on Sunday?” He thought for a moment, smiled and said, “Yeah, let’s do it!” So Pasquale and I made up our mind to run the Dallas Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon together on March 20th.

You might be thinking I am crazy to throw out an idea like that, or you might be thinking, you go mama! Yes, it was a bit of a crazy idea, but he is certainly capable of finishing a half marathon. Part of parenting is about challenging our children, and building their confidence when they aren’t sure they can do it.

Challenging Your Child
As challenging as running is physically, I would argue that long distance running is even more mentally taxing. Take whatever challenge your child is facing and make and effort to overcome it. Encouraging and coaching your child through their challenges will build inner strength and self-value. Inner strength will help your child push through trials and tribulations. In Romans 5:3-4 we are reminded that, “We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope.” Isn’t it time we start challenging our children?

Building Your Child’s Confidence
From the moment your child takes his or her first steps or walks across the stage and receives a diploma, our job is to build their confidence, not make them believe they are better than someone else. There is a distinct difference between a child’s confidence and arrogance. A philosophy in our home is, “Don’t ask someone to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself.” As parents, we lead by example and grow in our abilities so that our children become capable of growing in their abilities. As an individual’s abilities grow, so does their confidence. 

Pasquale hasn’t “trained” specifically to run 13.1 miles. But over the course of the last 10-weeks, he has racked up: 35-hours on a wrestling mat, 25-miles of biking, 20-hours of swimming, 15-hours of Tae Kwon Do training, 12-miles of running, 10-hours of football and sleeps 10-hours/night. No doubt he will be challenged to finish a half marathon, but when he crosses the finish line, he will be confident in his abilities.

Niccole Maurici, University Park mom of four and former certified personal trainer, is the co-founder and creator of the website and fitness videos, which promote values important to moms: encouragement, support, positive thinking, and dedication.  To learn more visit our website™ is about making moms the strongest they can be, both mentally and physically. Our 30-minute workouts, be+positive™ messages and website information offer the tools every mom needs to become the strongest she can be. Visit our website to learn more about our vision. Why are™ fitness videos the best exercise program for moms? 30-minutes. We understand moms are busy and we want you to succeed. Authentic. Created by a mom of four and former certified personal trainer. Convenient. At home: no childcare, no driving, and no membership fees. Encouraging. Every workout ends with a 30-second be+positive™ message. Flexible. Choose from a 3, 4, 5 or 6-day week workout plan that’s right for you. Instructional. Emphasizes great form: great form gives you great results. - Contact Niccole at  
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