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At a parent social, a mom shared with me that she clicked on our website and after seeing our workouts, she said to herself, “I could never look like you do in just 30-minutes.” And I asked her, “Why do you think that you can't?”
I share the following from a place of humility with a sole purpose and desire to help others look and feel the best they can. Oftentimes, people will ask me, “What do you do to look the way you do?” And I tell them about our 30-minute workouts, but more importantly, I tell them about my disciplined routine to eating well (not perfectly) for more than 10 years.
These are my 7 truths that have helped me, and my hope is to help you find your truths, so that you can become the strongest version of you.
Truth #1: Scale Free
Besides my annual physical exams, the last time I chose to step on the scale was May 1, 2013, the day before our fourth child was born. Why? The older I get, the more I realize weight is just a number. What matters most is the way clothes fit. Keep a token piece of apparel in your closet, put it on every now and again and see how it fits. If it is snug, don’t ignore it and do something about it. If it fits well, smile big and keep up the great work!
Truth #2: Eat Before You Mingle
The next time you go out, think about fueling your body before you go. When you fuel your body with healthy options from home, you are less likely to overindulge in less healthy options when you socialize.
Truth #3: Have One Cheat Meal
The more you tell yourself, “no”, the more you will want to do it. Instead of forbidding your cravings, say, “yes” to one meal.  This approach will help you plan which meal you want to cheat on and gives you something to look forward to, without feeling guilty.
Truth #4: Have a Curfew
My kitchen closes at 8:30 pm. Set a strict curfew that forces you to stay out of the kitchen. Enjoy when you wake up hungry opposed to feeling like a tub-of-lard because of a late night binge.
Truth #5: Reduce and Portion Control “Empty” Calories
What is your nemesis? Is it bread, pasta, tortilla chips, pita chips, popcorn, sweets or other? Identify your downfall; eat your empty calories only after you’ve had a well-balanced meal and be sure to portion control. Eventually, recognizing and rejecting these types of foods will become habitual and your body will thank you!
Truth #6: Prepare Simple Meals and Establish Routine
You should have simple meals and snacks that are easy to prepare. You should have an established eating routine. If you want to reach "maintenance stage", then consistency in both these areas will help you succeed. Need some help to establish your routine? Strongest Mom has simple breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner options, email us and we'll send them to you. Strongest Mom wants to help you succeed to eat well, establish routine and reach maintenance.
Truth #7: Befriend Your Food
Food is not your enemy. How you think about food, and why, when and where you consume food is your enemy. Break through your bad habits and become friendly with your food. Educate yourself on fibrous rich foods like beans, berries, greens and pears. Encourage yourself to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. You are what you eat and become whom you befriend.
Hopefully these truths have sparked an interest for you to identify and practice truths that matter most to you. Start with the food you feed yourself and your family will reap the benefits. You are capable of fueling your mind, body and spirit.

P.S. I LOVE birthday cake and order really large ones. What do I do with the leftovers? Cut them down into portion control sizes, double wrap them in Saran wrap and store them in the freezer. Then, when I'm ready to "sin", I defrost a piece, indulge and don't feel guilty:). Life if too short to not enjoy leftover birthday cake!

Niccole Maurici, University Park mom of four, SMU graduate, and former certified personal trainer, is the co-founder and creator of the website and fitness videos, which promote values important to moms: encouragement, support, positive thinking, and dedication.  To learn more visit our website™ is about making moms the strongest they can be, both mentally and physically. Our 30-minute workouts, be+positive™ messages and website information offer the tools every mom needs to become the strongest she can be. Visit our website to learn more about our vision. Why are™ fitness videos the best exercise program for moms? 30-minutes. We understand moms are busy and we want you to succeed. Authentic. Created by a mom of four and former certified personal trainer. Convenient. At home: no childcare, no driving, and no membership fees. Encouraging. Every workout ends with a 30-second be+positive™ message. Flexible. Choose from a 3, 4, 5 or 6-day week workout plan that’s right for you. Instructional. Emphasizes great form: great form gives you great results. - Contact Niccole at  
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