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MtTallacLakeTahoe.jpg A lesson in faith, family and fitness!
From one mom to another...

Moms, do you ever mess up and make bad decisions? I do. Last week, we were several miles into a hike up Mt. Tallac in Lake Tahoe when my 6-year old said, “Mama, I really want to turn back.” What should have been a 9.6-mile hike, turned out to be nearly 14 miles, 8 hours, 15 minutes and 8,000 feet of vertical climb and decent. Pressing on was a bad decision by me. Yet, along the way, I witnessed some of the best leadership from my family.

How can we help our children become strong leaders?
  1. Have a strong faith. For more than 15-years, I have been a Christ follower. Raising our children to have a relationship with Jesus is very important in our home. Along the last stretch of our hike, our 9-year old encouraged my husband by repeating Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Having a strong faith can guide our children (and family) when we fall on hard times so they can become the strongest leaders.
  2. Build a strong family. When my husband and I were fortunate to become parents, we inherited a tremendous responsibility to build a strong family. The road of parenting hasn’t been easy or without heartache, but just like conquering Mt. Tallac, we face every day one step at a time. A strong family builds confidence in children, gives them the courage they need to face challenges and gives them a sense of belonging. When we have a sense of belonging, we have a greater purpose to serve others and can become the strongest leaders.
  3. Use fitness to bond as a family. As moms, fitness gives us a gender-neutral opportunity to bond with our children. Whether you are on a bike, swimming laps, hiking mountains or any other sport, make fitness a priority in your relationship with your child. After we soaked our aching bodies in the hot tub, we reminisced about our time bonding as a family on one of the most beautiful mountains. These life long memories were formed because of our passion for fitness. 
After our 8-year old led us across the trailhead finish line and gave us a high-five, I realized I owed my family an apology. I said to them, “I am sorry. We should have turned back and I was wrong. I made a bad decision. Will you please forgive me?” A lesson in leadership begins with us and along our journey; we just might get a leadership lesson from our kids☺

Being a mom is the greatest and most rewarding job and despite our shortcomings, I hope you feel like you are becoming the strongest mom.
Niccole Maurici, University Park mom of four and former certified personal trainer, is the co-founder and creator of the website and fitness videos, which promote values important to moms: encouragement, support, positive thinking, and dedication. To learn more visit our website™ is about making moms the strongest they can be, both mentally and physically. Our 30-minute workouts, be+positive™ messages and website information offer the tools every mom needs to become the strongest she can be. Visit our website to learn more about our vision. Why are™ fitness videos the best exercise program for moms? 30-minutes. We understand moms are busy and we want you to succeed. Authentic. Created by a mom of four and former certified personal trainer. Convenient. At home: no childcare, no driving, and no membership fees. Encouraging. Every workout ends with a 30-second be+positive™ message. Flexible. Choose from a 3, 4, 5 or 6-day week workout plan that’s right for you. Instructional. Emphasizes great form: great form gives you great results. - Contact Niccole at  
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