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Lake Aloha.jpg Children are capable of so much more than we can imagine!

Dollars? Airline miles? Steps? 

The median wage for salaried workers in 2014 was $41,000. After Uncle Sam gets his cut and you don't spend one cent of your net earnings, you will earn $250,000 in 8 years. The average person will fly less than 600 miles per year, or needs 416 years to earn 250,000 airline miles.

So how do you earn a quarter million steps? And how long will it take you? 

Ask 4 kids and they will tell you, it will take you 19 days and 97 miles to earn 254,625 steps!

How can moms help children achieve their fitness, life, work or relational goals?

1. “Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.” Brad McCoy, father of Colt McCoy, the Washington Redskins Quarterback, shared that message with a group of parents many years ago. My husband heard it and it is a philosophy we’ve adopted while raising our children.

To earn 254,625 steps, we prepared our children by giving them:

  • Backpacks, water, energy bars and fruit.
  • Hiking trails.
  • Encouragement. 

Our kids hiked the path. We didn’t alter 97 miles of hiking trails to make it easier for them. They were prepared mentally, physically and emotionally and set out to achieve their goal.

2. “Consistency is key!”
Consistency helps us build a solid foundation. One of my favorite bible verses is, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24. Whether you’re a new mom or a grandmother, be consistent with your fitness program. We need to be strong and have energy to keep up with our growing family. I was able to carry our 2-year old for 97 miles in my backpack because I have been consistent with my Strongest Mom 30-minute workouts.

3. “Work hard and never quit.”
This has been a family motto for years. As parents, we have learned that stopping short of the finish line keeps us from reaching our potential. Mental toughness is required to keep a commitment and see things through, like hiking 97 miles. 254,625 steps didn’t impress me as much as the mental endurance our children displayed. At very young ages, children are capable of so much more than we can imagine. Let us provide a nurturing environment and challenge them to reach their potential. Encourage them to push through quitting points and achieve great success, not measured by dollars and airline miles, but by their determination to get to the summit and be amazed with the view once they get there. After all, they've earned it!

Moms, when we are consistent, work hard and never quit, we can become the strongest mom and build the strongest family. 


Niccole Maurici, University Park mom of four and former certified personal trainer, is the co-founder and creator of the website and fitness videos, which promote values important to moms: encouragement, support, positive thinking, and dedication.  To learn more visit our website™ is about making moms the strongest they can be, both mentally and physically. Our 30-minute workouts, be+positive™ messages and website information offer the tools every mom needs to become the strongest she can be. Visit our website to learn more about our vision. Why are™ fitness videos the best exercise program for moms? 30-minutes. We understand moms are busy and we want you to succeed. Authentic. Created by a mom of four and former certified personal trainer. Convenient. At home: no childcare, no driving, and no membership fees. Encouraging. Every workout ends with a 30-second be+positive™ message. Flexible. Choose from a 3, 4, 5 or 6-day week workout plan that’s right for you. Instructional. Emphasizes great form: great form gives you great results. - Contact Niccole at  
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