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Shelton Upper Elementary teacher Cheryl Prince has taught at Shelton for 35 years.
Eight Shelton teachers and staff members were the recipients of the 2022-2023 Shelton Parents' Association Recognition Kudos (SPARK) Award on May 25 at the Shelton End-of-the-Year Staff Appreciation Luncheon. This is the eighth year for the award to be presented by SPA. Awards were based on comments received in the spring parent survey. Each awardee received a SPARK crystal statue and a check for $500. 
Lower School: Charlotte Fisher

Peers described EE-4th grade STEM teacher Charlotte Fisher as "creative," "organized," "dedicated," "brilliant" and "helpful." Students said, "She is fun," "We learn about teamwork," "She helps with our mistakes," "She teaches us how to learn" and "I like so many things about STEM, it's hard to choose!" Charlotte is a Shelton parent of two boys, a Montessori trained teacher, an Academic Language Practitioner and an engineer. 

Upper Elementary: Cheryl Prince 

Upper Elementary's Cheryl Prince has generously given her gift to Shelton students for 35 years. One Shelton parent said, "Mrs. Prince is able to read my child, knows when she is anxious and instinctively knows exactly how to help." Others commented, "She is a true advocate and looks at all aspects of the child" and "Mrs. Prince brings out the best in our child. She got him
to not only want to read, but to love to read!"

Middle School: Georgana Jinks 

Middle School teacher Georgana Jinks is an avid reader who shares that passion with students. Parents described her as patient, kind and a good listener, and they appreciate the individual attention and support she gives to students. Georgana has touched many lives not only through her reading and English classes, but also through Middle School Drama, Upper School Theatre and the Chargerettes. 

Upper School: Kim Self 

Upper School teacher Kim Self is described by her peers as "creative, enthusiastic, patient, kind and one of our favorite coworkers." Shelton parents said, "Her expertise, knowledge, care, concern and overall instruction are unmatched" and "She is a master teacher who holds students to a high standard." Kim started working in the Shelton Upper School 20 years ago and has taught Biology and now Reading. She is a Certified Academic Language Therapist and has tutored countless students over the years. Her  daughter, Kennedi, graduated from Shelton in 2022.

All Around: Librarians Kelli Yonker, Mary Drexler, Deanna Wallace and Melissa Montgomery

Shelton's four librarians — Kelli Yonker, Mary Drexler, Deanna Wallace and Melissa Montgomery — embrace connecting with our students and encouraging a belief of self. Even though some Shelton students are challenged with the written word, Shelton librarians have created a culture in which students flock to the area of the school where they are surrounded by written materials. The four have cultivated a culture of joy within our libraries, allowing students to be transported by and immersed in books. The libraries are the heart of each division, and Kelli, Mary, Marissa and Deanna are in the hearts of Shelton students. 






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