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Shelton Upper Elementary teacher Tricia Harden wins SPARK Award.

Seven Shelton employees were the recipients of the 2021-2022 Shelton Parents' Association Recognition Kudos (SPARK) Award on May 26 at the staff appreciation luncheon. This is the seventh year for the award to be presented by SPA. Awards were based on comments received in the spring parent survey. Each awardee received a framed SPARK award and a check for $500. A crystal statue will follow. Thanks to Shelton parent Emily Touchstone for coordinating these awards and to parents for taking the time to send comments about Shelton's teachers and staff. 

Lower School: Peggy Krug. Parents praised this teacher for helping develop their child's trust and academic self-confidence. She is calm, patient and kind. Her students feel loved and cared for and they are thriving under her guidance. "She sees who my child really is and makes a plan for his personal success."

Upper Elementary: Tricia Harden. Each year parents sing the praises of Ms. Harden. She is described as "wonderfully supportive," "an excellent communicator and resource," "found my child's talent and passion" and "keeps the fun in learning."

Middle School: Marsha Harris. Ms. Harris is known for her expertise in building young writers. She steadily and consistently teaches her students to unlock and organize their thoughts so that they can be shared with others. Her gifted approach is to work beside her students, conferencing with them, gently challenging and guiding them to develop the ability to find just the right words to express their unique thoughts. One parent shared, "She not only provided support but challenged my child to think for himself and do his best. She helped him realize he is smart and able to do much better work."


Upper School: Nancy McCord. Ms. McCord is supportive and makes learning positive. She is patient and understanding and knows when to give consequences and when to provide redirection. She is a gifted teacher who helps students believe in themselves.

All Around: School nurses Eve Herman and Lisa Nagid have kept the school running safely during another year of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have kept abreast of all things locally, statewide and nationally. They wrote policies, teamed and communicated with administration, faculty and staff, tracked Shelton-specific stats, oversaw seven drive-through COVID vaccination clinics and consulted with staff as each event was planned throughout 2021-2022.

Anne-Marie Shiflet, Lower School and Upper Elementary. Ms. Shiflet is described as, "incomparable, joyful, and packs a punch in a small package!" She is the first to arrive and last to leave, and is dedicated to taking care of everyone in Lower School and Upper Elementary. An incredible supporter, encourager and friend, she is absolutely irreplaceable. No matter the day or circumstance, she shares with us her consummate smile, contagious laugh and servant's heart.

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