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Bernadette Coleman and son, Michael Black

Today is a great day for a celebration! Please see the following message from Bernadette Coleman, CEO of Advice Interactive Group. Advice Interactive recently acquired BubbleLife, and over the last several months, we've gotten to know Bernadette, Michael and the rest of the Advice family. We are so happy to see the progress Michael has made even in this short period of time, and beyond excited to see what the future holds.

Congratulations, Mike and Cara!


Good morning to every Advice Local vendor, partner, reseller and client — and what a great day it is! Today, I have an amazing story to share with each and every one of you. In business we struggle every single day to create relationships, sales, processes and procedures. We work hard and we work long to achieve what we consider success. But no one I know has worked harder than my son, Michael Black.

Today he will be reaching a a goal I never thought I'd see. He is getting married to an amazing young lady.

What's so amazing about that? Well, six years ago, on May 21, 2011, Michael was thrown from a car and suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. Most people do not know that every 16 seconds in America, someone suffers a brain injury. As a matter of fact, traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults. Even more alarming, traumatic brain injuries occur more frequently than do breast cancer cases, HIV/AIDS infections, multiple sclerosis cases, and spinal cord injuries combined.

At approximately 1 a.m. in the morning in South Florida, Michael's 16th second came. When we finally got from Dallas to Florida, we were told by the doctors that this visit was probably to say goodbye. That's when the work began.

After an extended period of time in a coma, with a Glasgow Coma Score of around 3, no one ever thought Mike would ever lead a normal life again, but he proved us all wrong. Not only did Mike have to learn how to breathe on his own again, he had to learn to eat, brush his teeth, shave, and walk again -- everything we take for granted.

It's been six years, and just recently, Michael learned to walk without a walking device. Today, he will be standing straight at the altar, waiting for his bride. Now that is a success story.

Adversity in business — as in life — is inevitable, but difficulties or misfortunes don't have to keep you from achieving your goals and finding the happiness you seek. It's how you overcome these adversities that can make all the difference.

Every challenge we successfully conquer serves to strengthen not only our will, but also our confidence, and therefore our ability to confront future obstacles.

So, the next time you find yourself standing in front of a huge mountain that feels impossible to climb — whether it involves your job, partner or business — remember this story, and hopefully you will find your way and remember why you started on your journey in the first place. You can watch Mike's Survivor video here.

If you know someone that has been touched by a Traumatic Brain Injury, introduce them to his survivor site and an online support group, Trymunity.

Here's to your own success story, whether personal or professional.

- Bernadette Coleman
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