Riley Heruska
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Here in North Texas, flu cases have been on the rise in recent weeks. Four different school districts have closed due to flu outbreaks, and the number of flu-related emergency room visits has increased substantially. 

Unfortunately, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that it's still too soon to tell how severe the season will be. Last year, nearly a million Americans went to the hospital due to the virus. This year's season is less severe, but the CDC claims that the flu season is far from over. We've yet to see just how serious this season will be. 

Remember, it's not too late to get your flu shot. The vaccine is still considered the best way to avoid the flu, and the CDC has reported that this year's is very effective

Wash your hands, eat healthy foods and get vaccinated. The last thing you want is for the whole family to come down with the flu just before spring break begins. 

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