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The secret to homemade Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is the pan. Don’t even try to make this without the right pan. Get your credit card out and buy a ManPan Perforated Deep Dish Pizza Pan:  

Here is what I learned. The holes in the bottom keep the crust from getting soggy, thus making a crusty crust!


Ingredients for Crust using a 12-inch by 2.5” Round Perforated Deep Dish Pizza ManPan

1 ¼ cups of water

3 cups flour

½ cup corn oil

2¼ teaspoons of yeast (I used Fleischmann’s but I prefer Red Star)

1½ teaspoons of salt

1½ teaspoons of sugar


First, you are going to “proof” your yeast. The water should be about 80 degrees. I just turn the hot water on and pour it in the measuring cup. 

In a little bowl, pour in your water and put in the yeast. Add the sugar because this gives the yeast something to eat. Let this sit for a minute. The yeast will eat the sugar and make a bubbly foam. The foam is “proof” that your yeast is good.

In a food processor, put in your flour, salt, oil and yeast mixture. I used the plastic blade and pulsed until a ball formed. Don’t over-pulse. If you use a mixer, use the bread hook and pull it when the ball climbs up the hook.

Take it out and knead on a lightly floured surface. Don’t do it for long — maybe 2 minutes, because you want it to have a thick crust-like bread. 

Put the dough in a bowl and cover with a dishtowel and let rise for 4 or 5 hours in a warm place. 

Punch down the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes and then press into pan.


  • Italian Sausage (I bought a package and removed it from the casing and fried it up.)
  • Onions
  • Red Peppers
  • Mozzarella Cheese (shredded)
  • Pizza Sauce
  • Whatever you like


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees if you are using the ManPan. For other pans, preheat to 475 degrees. 

Layer the Mozzarella cheese on the bottom — this forms a seal to keep the crust from getting soggy with your pizza sauce. Then put in your favorite pizza topping and finish with the sauce. Sprinkle the top with Parmesan cheese. 

Cook for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Take out and put on a rack so that there is air under the pan for cooling. You an also use a couple of cans...

Homemade Pizza Sauce

3 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons freshly chopped garlic

2 teaspoons oregano

½ teaspoon fennel

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon pepper

½ teaspoon basil

½ teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 green bell pepper – chopped

½ onion – chopped

28 ounce can of whole peeled plum tomatoes (I prefer Muir Glen)

14.5 ounce can of the same

1-2 teaspoons of sugar (this kills the acidity in tomatoes)

Sauté everything but tomatoes and sugar then add the tomatoes, liquid from the cans and sugar.  Salt to taste.  Let this simmer for 2 hours on very low heat and it will thicken up.  Mash the tomatoes in the pan or run through a blender.

NOTE: I have tried several recipes for crust and sauce but came across a cooking blog called Carolyn’s Recipes. She has the original recipe that I used. I then tweaked it a little for my tastes. Check her blog out as she is a fabulous cook and gives great detail in her steps.   


Saffie Leedy Farris
BubbleLife Media

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