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Holden LaForce, Kimberly Clark, Alex Baker

Providence Christian School of Texas students participated in Operation Reading Rally to kick off the School’s largest fundraiser on January 15. Providence’s Reading Rally, which continues for four weeks, expands the students’ minds with great literature while raising scholarship funds. Last year’s Reading Rally raised close to $100,000.


Guided by this year’s theme, the kick off pep-rally began with students and parents dressed in military garb.  The students competed in an obstacle course in hopes of earning prizes and extra minutes to add to their reading totals. Each year, students set personal goals of reading. For example, students in Classes Three and Four must read a total of 3,500 minutes to achieve gold level status. Students earn minutes by reading or by listening to a parent read from a work of literature or from the Bible.  


This year, families are encouraged to read C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia series together. Headmaster Dr. Tony Jeffrey said, “Reading fine literature is one of our School’s tenets. Therefore, we are pleased that students and their families choose to spend time reading excellent books together, thus ensuring a successful fundraiser.”


Author, Jonathan Rogers, will hold a special session for parents at Providence on February 2, at 8:00 a.m. to share insights on the moral benefits of stories and how they can be instrumental in forming a child’s character. For those who enjoy family reading time, his insights into stories will be most helpful. Visitors are welcome, and no RSVP is needed. (Providence is located at 5002 W. Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75209).


Jennifer Griffin, Providence Reading Rally chair, added, “The Providence Reading Rally is the single largest fundraiser for our scholarship fund. Each year, the proceeds ensure that many students can attend Providence who might not have been able to otherwise.” For those interested in sponsoring Reading Rally, contact Jill McClung, Director of Development and Communications, at or 214-302-2800.


Since 1989, Providence Christian School of Texas has provided academically able students from preschool to 8th grade with a challenging educational experience designed to help them know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent, and to prepare them to live purposefully and intelligently in the service of God and man.  Providence’s core values are faith, family, intellect, counterculturalism, and stewardship. More information about the School can be found by calling 214-302-2800 or by visiting

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