
I asked our readers for photos of the ice storm that has closed down the Lone Star State. Dubbed “Icemageddon” or “Icepocalypse,” this storm has blacked out parts of the Metroplex and has included freezing fog and thunder-sleet (we make up words in Texas for OUR kind of winter weather).

 Our readers sent in the following photos of their neighborhoods:


We live in University Park. This morning around 7 a.m., we heard a huge noise in our backyard, rushed to the window to terrifyingly witness a 2 1/2+ story tree in our backyard completely uproot and tip over, crashing loudly and shaking not only the ground, but our entire house. We feel truly blessed that it fell, for the most part, away from the house, did not fall on anyone walking or driving along our side street or on any pet, and only crushed our fence and live oak trees. It fell when our dogs and five kids were all still asleep inside. I send this email to express our gratitude to the City of University Park employees who worked all day throughout UP, promptly coming over here after dealing with electrical/tree emergencies to saw away the part of the precariously balanced tree blocking Willard Street. While we face fence, roof and guttering repair ASAP, we can't help but feel blessed that the huge tree fell mostly away from the house and not into it! All seven of us sit here tonight thinking about how grateful we are to have dodged such a serious home disaster, but also grateful to live in a community where the response time and professionalism was incredible! - Katy and Chris Abel

In Frisco, Emily Singer Harrow sent me this.

“Stuck inside our house. This is our front patio!  My 3- and 5- year olds think "no school" is fun. Love them to death,'s been a loooonnngggg day!

Lynn Slanley sent in this photo of her dog.

“Pablo, our Bichon Frise, in our backyard in Stonebriar Village!”

In Plano, Eddie Smith sent me two Facebook albums full of really neat ice images. Check them out.

Christina A.

Christina A.

Christina A. The dog’s name was labeled Gingle Bell Gino.


Cory Countryman of Highland Park


Cory Countryman of Highland Park


Chris Yates

Chris Yates

Frozen Rose in Frisco by Jenni J.

Frisco Ice Leaves by Julie L.

I had some tree damage from the storm. When the crew from Southern Botanical came to cut up the tree, I offered them some hot chocolate. Their supervisor took their picture. Here it is. - Ford Lacy in Park Cities

From @michelehanigan on Instagram


Beth Delagi

A frozen basketball net?

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Beth Delagi

Mark and Gail Parry

Mark and Gail Parry

Mark and Gail Parry

The tree had a rough time, and so did the trunk of our car and the wrought iron railing. Tree crews are all busy clearing roads around the area so we don't know when we will have it all cleared up! - Mark and Gail Parry

Mark and Gail Parry

Thanks to all our readers for sending me your images.

Also, if you are looking for a tree trimmer or know a good one, I’m sure a few of our readers may needing someone. Check the bulletin section of your neighborhood.

Don’t forget to follow @bubblelifemedia on Instagram to see more Icemageddon images and other neighborhood photos on #bubblelifeDOTcom.