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Cindy Clendenen, Brenda Gaustad, Suzie Humphreys Cindy Clendenen, event chair Brenda Gaustad, with Suzie Humphreys who was emcee for the event

Dallas County Council of Republican Women hosted their bi-annual POWER Pep Rally on Saturday, September 6 at the Royal Oaks Country Club.  POWER is acronym for Power of Women to Elect Republicans. Proceeds of the event will benefit campaigns of Republican candidates. Over 300 were in attendance at the rally which energized Dallas County Republicans to work tirelessly these next few months until the November election.

Suzie Humphreys, TV and Radio Personality, was emcee with special guest speakers Congresswoman Kay Granger, U. S. Representative, 12th District of Texas and Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, U. S. Representative, 7th District of Tennessee. Also speaking were Congressman Pete Sessions and Cecilia Abbott, wife of Texas Attorney General and candidate for Governor Greg Abbott.

“This is the most dangerous time in the history of the world,” said Kay Granger. “There is a lack of decisions being made, and those decisions being made are a real concern. We are cutting defense at a time when ISIS is growing and a serious threat. When President Eisenhower chose to invade Europe, he took full responsibility knowing many lives would be lost. He took all blame – not blaming any other figure – now that’s a leader.”

Granger was the first woman from Texas elected to Congress and she is the only woman from Texas serving in Congress today. She is close with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn who was the keynote speaker.  

“You are the way to get the word out about our candidates,” said Blackburn. “ Media won’t help us. In a recent Gallop poll, only 18% said they believed what was broadcast on the news. Our nation is on the endangered species list.”

Vicki Goode is President of DCCRW, Brenda Gaustad was the Event Chair.

Photos by Deborah Brown

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