The Episcopal School of Dallas
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Six AP Art students from the Episcopal School of Dallas created installations for the “Psychedelic Robot” art event, a 10-day pop-up immersive art show that began September 20. Kathryn Ferguson ‘19, Molly McBrayer ‘19, Anisa Noor ‘19, Taezja Phelan ‘19, Annie Saustad ‘19, and Annie Sawers ‘19 presented their work on 5’x8’ canvases, each of them based on the artist’s individual style and experience. The works present a variety of colors and styles, showcasing the wide range of skills developed throughout their art experience here at ESD. Many of the students’ ideas stemmed from earlier drawings or sketches they completed in smaller versions. “We’re not used to working on anything larger than an 18”x24”, so blowing it up to a 5’x8’ has been really hard,” said Taezja Phelan.

These students have worked tirelessly both after school and on the weekends - sometimes working eight-hour days - to create and install their art. “We have all spent so much time on our pieces and we’re really excited to have it be real, to compare as more than a grade, and be recognized as actual artists,” said Annie Sawers. Although the process has been grueling, it has been worth it. “We do it because we love it,” said Annie Saustad. This is a tremendous opportunity for our students to showcase their work outside of the classroom and their ESD peers. “I think we all kind of hate on ourselves sometimes, and get tired of our own art, and we all see and appreciate each other’s, so just seeing other people affirm that everyone is so talented and so good at what they’re doing is going to be so cool,” said Anisa Noor.

Being part of this event gives these student-artists a chance to be recognized as just artists, something they are looking forward to. “We’re super proud of all that we’ve done so far. Even though we’re young and new to this, we’re still respected artists,” said Kathryn Ferguson. These students have worked together since their sophomore year and have formed a strong community over those three years. “We know each other really well and know each other’s styles. It’s been really fun to watch this come together,” said Molly McBrayer.

The event, now referred to as the “Woodstock for millenials,” is expected to have an outstanding turnout over its 10-day tenure. Besides our own ESD students, the event will also feature internationally acclaimed and local artists. To learn more about the event, visit the Psychedelic Robot website.

We are so proud of these Eagles and all their hard work!