Patricia Martin – Guest Contributor
Apr 30 2020
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Kathy Collins, Owner, greets "Ezella" - Border Collie of Suzanne Collins, at day care drop off.

Kinder Kritter, Inc. a full-service dog daycare center owned by longtime Park Cities resident, Kathy Collins, has been in quarantine like the rest of us. Her business plans to re-open Monday, May 4, 2020, during regular business hours for boarding, daycare and grooming. 

"Our decision to temporarily close has been tough on all of us, but we're committed to making this re-opening experience safe for all our clients, furry friends, and staff," Collins said. "We were open two weeks for those working in the medical profession or first-responders, but ended up closing again on March 30. 

Collins applied for small business payroll funding, but has not yet received word. She has continued to pay staff partially by a bank loan and personal funding.

"Several wonderful, loyal clients have even donated money -- one actually gave us $1,500 to help keep us going! All our staff are like family to us, and our Office Manager, Cristina Raslan, has been with us over 10 years!"  

Although the lobby will be closed, clients can arrange to drop off or pick up pets at curbside by calling 214-321-3939 or they may schedule an appointment for grooming online at All safe protocols and directives will be followed.