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At just a little over a week old, JoJo White—the new Kid Biz grandbaby—is about to be one of Dallas’ best dressed kiddos.

For more than 40 years, Janet and Jay Finegold have been dressing the city’s most style-savvy tots. With the birth of their first grandchild—Josephine Rose, born on January 21st—the Kid Biz owners are over the moon about the new addition to the family fashion empire. “It really is the most wonderful feeling,” said Jay Finegold. “I knew it would be. We talk to parents and grandparents, and we knew it was going to be pretty special.”

With a new little one to buy for, going to market is bound to take on a whole new dimension. “I have a totally different eye when picking things for the store,” said Janet Finegold. “We didn’t know if it was going to be a boy or a girl, so I would get a little bit more boy things here and little bit more girl things there.”

Proud parents are Erin Finegold White, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Events for the Dallas Mavericks, and husband Bobbi White. One thing is for sure, Josephine will have no shortage of on trend clothing. “Of course she’ll be the best dressed,” said Jay. “All the kids we dress are the best dressed. If they shop here, they’re best dressed.”

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