The Episcopal School of Dallas
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As a community, The Episcopal School of Dallas promises to actualize the advancement of the common good through acts of mercy and renewal here and within the larger community. ESD's Founding Tenet of Service proclaims that daily worship, experiences in community, and studies in ethical decision making prepare members of this community for service to others, the highest manifestation of God's presence in our lives.

For the second year in a row, nearly all of ESD's faculty and staff came together to honor the Founding Tenet of Service by volunteering together at the Children's Hunger Fund (CHF). CHF offers care to young people who are food insecure. On Wednesday morning, ESD's faculty and staff helped prepare more than 1,000 backpacks, 600 Food Paks, and 3,200 pounds of food for delivery to local organizations. 

"Gathering to serve as one at the beginning of the year sets a positive tone, not only for each teacher and staff member but also for this entire community," said Director of Community Service Learning Courtney Phelps. "We are keeping our promise to our community and to God. It's a return on His investment."

The team at CHF shared photos and testimonials of how ESD's faculty and staff service a year ago helped to replenish community gardens in Houston following Hurricane Harvey. 

"Seeing our faith in action is always a blessing. We pray that our gifts continue to bless those in need," said Phelps.