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Noted Lawyer Yvette Ostolaza Receives Prestigious Dallas ADL Schoenbrun Jurisprudence Award

Dallas lawyer Yvette Ostolaza received the prestigious Anti -Defamation League’s  Schoenbrun Jurisprudence Award in recognition of a legal career defined by mentoring and a commitment to devoting her firm’s legal resources to high-profile pro bono cases impacting the civil rights of Texas residents.

In addition to complex civil litigation and corporate finance transactions, Ms. Ostolaza, managing partner of Sidley Austin’s Dallas office, has committed her firm’s resources to high-profile pro bono cases, including representing Texas cities and community groups this year in opposition to the SB4 “sanctuary cities” legislation. Earlier this year, a federal judge questioned the constitutionality of the “show me your papers” law and imposed a temporary injunction blocking it from becoming law; it is currently under appellate review.  In another significant pro bono case, Ms. Ostolaza led a team of Sidley Austin lawyers in ongoing litigation on behalf of intellectually and developmentally disabled Texas residents who are being warehoused in nursing homes without receiving the services they are entitled to by federal law.

Ms. Ostolaza received the award during a luncheon at the Fairmont Hotel in an event that raised more than $360,000 for the ADL.

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Monday, 04 December 2017